centrum is a contemporary art space in the Flughafenkiez district of Neukölln, Berlin. The programme and events at centrum are initiated and developed in dialogue and in close collaboration with international and local artists. centrum offers space and support, in order to open artists’ work processes to a wider discourse. Due to our previous experience we believe that non-commercial project spaces like centrum are important, because they offer an open structure for collaboration and exchange between artists. In contrast to commercial galleries, centrum offers artists time and space to experiment with non-preconceived ideas and also allows projects to fail. Different formats of events including installations, film screenings, lectures and performances give artists the opportunity to present their work to the public.
centrum was founded in 2009 by Kate Squires and David Moynihan and since September 2014 is currently run by Mareike Spendel; since March 2015 supported by Natalie Weiland.